:“九一八”事变,国民党撤出华北,国民党高级军官金戈(王雷 饰)冒死回到东安城内,想要接走自己的母亲和新婚妻子柳文婷(张曦文 饰)。但日军已然进城,柳文婷被逼自尽,金戈被抓。地下工作者救出金戈,希望他能前往根据地,运用自己的军事知识与八路军共同抗日。然而金戈对八路军的作战能力持怀疑态度,他选择独自留在东安城附近杀鬼子。一次偶然的不打不相识,金戈遇到了敌后抗日游击队队长戴金花(王媛可 饰),与他们一起击退了鬼子。从最初的互相看不上眼,到一起浴血奋战,金戈从戴金花身上看到了真正的抗日精神。他们成为一支活跃在敌后的抗日武装,极大地牵制了龟井一郎(山崎敬一 饰)的军事力量。1945年,日军在各个战场上节节败退,龟井想要在东安城实施“死海”计划,全城百姓生命安危悬于一线,金戈与金花带领队员潜入东安城,最终成功制止了“死海”计划,共同迎来了抗日胜利的曙光。
:A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 21Episode # Air Date# Guests21-01 15/Nov/07 Kimberly Stewart, Joel Pott, Lethal Bizzle, Jessica Stevenson21-02 22/Nov/07 David Cross, Jermaine Jackson, Ryan Jarman, Katy Brand21-03 29/Nov/07 Dappy, Keith Chegwin, Tahita Bulmer, Rich Fulcher21-04 06/Dec/07 Roy Stride, Bobby Davro, Kristen Schaal, Richard Fleeshman21-05 13/Dec/07 Kevin Eldon, Patrick Wolf, Irwin Sparkes, Miquita Oliver21-06 20/Dec/07 Vic Reeves, Myleene Klass, Matt Bowman, Mark Ronson21-07 03/Jan/08 Matt Horne, Martin Freeman, Antony Costa, Kate Nash21-08 10/Jan/08 KT Tunstall, Lauren Laverne, Jeremy Edwards, Jon McClure21-09 17/Jan/08 Christopher Biggins, Robyn, Mark Watson, Sam Duckworth21-10 24/Jan/08 Sophie Ellis Bextor, James Lance, Yannis, Tim Minchin21-11 31/Jan/08 Joe Goddard, Chris O'Dowd, James Nesbitt, Lightspeed Champion21-12 07/Feb/08 Jamelia, David O'Doherty, Moby, Dale Winton
:What could be more natural than romance, finding the perfect partner and falling in love? In fact every ingredient in this scenario, so beloved of romantics everywhere, had to be invented. In this three-part series Lucy Worsley will delve into the history of romance to uncover the forces shaping our very British happily ever after. The series will reveal how even our most intimate thoughts and feelings have been affected by social, political and cultural ideas.