久久Two determined women vie to escape their abusive relationships with a dirty Detective at rock bottom, determined to move sex trafficked girls over the Mexican border.
久久Two determined women vie to escape their abusive relationships with a dirty Detective at rock bottom, determined to move sex trafficked girls over the Mexican border.
回复 :One night on a deserted street, Pierre (Olivier Martin of Rollin's LA VIOL DU VAMPIRE) runs into a scantily clad mute young woman (Caroline Cartier) who is being pursued by men in tuxedos and bizarre animal masks who kidnap her and take her back to a townhouse that belongs to Pierre's father, industrialist Georges Radamante (Maurice Lema?tre) who warns Pierre to mind his own bu...
回复 :以一百年前风起云涌的辛亥革命为背景,讲述海派著名老生潘月樵为实现强国之梦,从伶人到少将的传奇经历,描绘了上海京剧界伶人们在辛亥革命这场恢复中华的中华梦中, 所付出的英勇抗争和牺牲。
回复 :喬瑟夫斯蒂德曼(羅艾爾達德 飾)是一位家庭生活失意、和女兒感情產生裂痕的中年男子,某天他被一位喪心病狂的科學家綁架後強制作為實驗對象,未料實驗結果卻讓他意外擁有了毀滅性的強大超能力。此時,宇宙的伽馬射線爆發為地球帶來致命的巨大威脅,地球上的人類無力守住家園,喬瑟夫決定用他的超能力拯救最摯愛的女兒與全世界,殊不知這個超能力不只能夠拯救地球,也足以摧毀地球……。