回复 :A rich woman, Raffaella, and some friends rent a yacht to sail the Mediterranean Sea during summer. The sailor, Gennarino, who is a communist, does not like this woman but has to bear with her bad mood. One day she wakes up late in the afternoon and asks to be taken to land where everyone had gone earlier. Gennarino sets up a boat but during the trip, the boat breaks down. They spend the night in the middle of the sea.
回复 :情场得意的父亲希望自己的儿子也可以成为情场高手,于是开始教儿子如何可以做到让任何女人都喜欢他,“爱情十诫”依据摩西十诫的原理,可是笨拙的儿子似乎把握不了局面,意想不到事情总在不断发生……
回复 :在碧海蓝天、沙滩椰树下,讲述了由一群性感香艳极近于裸体的“比基尼”女郎组成的一支色彩缤纷的全女子摇滚乐队,从开始组建到最终获得成功的一段精彩人生历程。这个故事包括了成长的烦恼、爱情的甜蜜、事业的坎坷以及所有人最后都获得了幸福的美好大结局。