回复 :This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by producer Darryl F. Zanuck and that he didn't regard much of the film as his own. (The ending, for instance, was written by Zanuck and directed by Irving Pichel.) Nevertheless, the film has certain beauties and pleasures. Part of it was shot in Georgia's Okefenokee swamp, and the treatment of the small community living ~Censored~ is often pungent and distinctive.
回复 :鬼谷传人与各路人马寻找“巨神兵”的奇幻故事。
回复 :电线维修工王小坡(朱雨晨 饰)是一个乐于助人的小伙子,但是身为80后的他,收入微薄,无法负担婚房的首付。这一点令女友张俐的父母非常不爽,急忙给女儿张罗相亲。可女儿却觉得男友挺好,不曾理会。受刺激的小坡为了筹钱,在朋友的帮助下,接了个制作了道具装甲车的活儿,力求证明自己的实力。报社主编郑谨(句号 饰)是一个妻管严,因为答应捐助贫困生,而被其家长追债。情急之下,郑谨决定对老婆(叮当 饰)心爱的小狗“芝麻”下手。结果,当小坡的装甲车上路的时候,造成了多起交通事故。接到群众举报的警察,开始封锁现场,偏偏装甲车停靠的地点,就是郑谨跟老婆约定的交易地点。由此,引发了一连串令人忍俊不禁的误会……