回复 :20世纪80年代的波兰,医学院青年实习生威特克(Boguslaw Linda 饰)急于搭乘火车前往另一个城市。当他赶到车站时,火车已经开动。威特克奋力追赶,命运由此分出三条支流。第一种命运,他赶上了火车,并在车上认识一名老党员。二人相识相知,老人竟鼓励和引荐威特克入党,成为一名政府工作人员;第二种命运,他因站内警察阻挡错过了火车,因此被投入监狱,狱中他结识一个反党分子,日后更积极参与地下反抗运动;第三种命运,他错过了火车,却巧遇曾经的女同学,两人相恋、结婚,过着似乎美满幸福的生活……本片荣获1987年波兰电影节最佳男主角(Boguslaw Linda)和银狮奖。
回复 :What could the fate of the Villa Empain, Baron Empain’s crazy project in Brussels, which has gone through a long and eventful journey since its completion in 1934, possibly inspire? Katharina Kastner’s challenge was to draw the portrait of the place, keeping in mind the work of time, like in a human existence. Shot in 16mm, her film appeals to the senses, it captures the stirring of leaves undulating in the garden light, the movement of iridescent pearls, or the colourful games of a piece by Daniel Buren. Without a word, but with a caressing camera, she pays close attention to the hidden patterns on the gorgeous marbles, or to the veins in the most precious types of wood used to decorate the rooms. In slight touches, regardless of the monumental aspect of the 27.000 square-feet villa and the pool that so impressed its first visitors, Katharina Kastner o ers an organic vision of the place, which has been marked by the trials and tribulations of life, and used successively as a museum, an embassy and a squat, until its final renovation. The clever editing makes furtive connections, underlines colour associations, mixes up times and tactile sensations, while the spaces we explore keep rustling. The film takes us on a reminiscing journey, with slices of Empain’s life, from the family archive here on a holiday, there playing on the beach, images from a distant past that keep haunting the premises. The film reveals to us this living space that was designed like a piece of art, but it does so in a wandering way. This dream vision guides us through the villa like an echo of foregone fantasies, a mental space, but also a welcoming backdrop for the work of time. A bit like the fingerprint work we see in the film, or the slight touch of a pencil on a blank sheet.
回复 :上世纪40年代,纳粹及其邪恶轴心的战火烧遍世界各个角落。居住在布鲁克林的小个子史蒂夫·罗格斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)心系国家,一心上阵杀敌,可是糟糕的体格让他始终被征兵办拒之门外。偶然的机会,在德籍科学家厄斯金博士(Stanley Tucci 饰)的帮助下,这个小个子男孩得以走入兵营,并接受了博士的试验,化身成为高大健壮、膂力过人的超级战士。与此同时,德国纳粹红骷髅部队的首领约翰·施密特(雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving 饰)依靠超自然的力量建立起一支超级战队,企图称霸全世界。为了营救好友,史蒂夫以美国队长的形象闯入施密特的军营,正邪两大超级战士的战斗就此展开……