回复 :本作品的主人公是在大阪小剧团ENGINE中作为招牌女演员而活跃的山口麻依。在东京公演即将开始之际,剧团成员们正在努力排练演出节目《DICE》,却被接连袭来的神秘怪诞现象所困扰。剧团方面认为这样做可以提高剧团的知名度,因此考虑利用怪异现象在电视节目和SNS上发挥作用。
回复 :Set in 1900s Vienna, the city is a hot bed of philosophy, science and art that are keenly debated in its coffee houses. Psychoanalysis, pioneered by Sigmund Freud, is capturing the city’s imagination, but is still in its infancy, and is viewed with a mixture of excitement and suspicion. Max Liebermann (Matthew Beard) is a brilliant protégé of Freud, who comes into contact with ...
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