出席An inspirational survival story of Deepika Kumari who, as a girl born on the roadside to abject poverty in rural India, went in search of food, stumbled upon archery, and within 4 years became the Number One archer in the World.
出席An inspirational survival story of Deepika Kumari who, as a girl born on the roadside to abject poverty in rural India, went in search of food, stumbled upon archery, and within 4 years became the Number One archer in the World.
回复 :讲述一对因疫情封城而隔离在家的夫妻,开始重新审视自己以及两人的关系。
回复 :Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge, a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied, as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and misery. Unfolding the research, she discovers the "Werther Effect", a phenomenon that creates a negative domino effect. She turns to her work on a project which will achieve the opposite effect, something which would be named the "happiness effect". Utilizing an eclectic, individualistic approach to experimentation and the power of positive thinking, connections and equations lead her on a path to uncover ultimate happiness.
回复 :网络写手陈石与好友王涛相约一起去银川看望自己正在拍戏的女友瑶瑶,两人在阴差阳错之下撞见瑶瑶出轨,被现实打击而悲痛万分的陈石亦真亦幻地遁入自己的小说中。陈石成为了他梦想中的大侠,而王涛却成了权倾朝野的反派魏公公。陈石完成了从胆小怕事到舍身取义的蜕变,而王涛也因过度迷恋权力而丢失了自己的本性。到最后,两人始终没有逃过“宿命”的捉弄,纷纷倒在了时代的车轮之下。