大卫·斯佩德扮演一位生活中并不很得意的银行职员,伊人一次聚会中他偶遇高中时期好友Max(亚当·桑德勒 饰),伊人Max自称目前任职于美国联邦调查局(FBI),二人经过一系列疯狂派对后,又伪造了假死亡,踏上了全新的冒险之旅。
大卫·斯佩德扮演一位生活中并不很得意的银行职员,伊人一次聚会中他偶遇高中时期好友Max(亚当·桑德勒 饰),伊人Max自称目前任职于美国联邦调查局(FBI),二人经过一系列疯狂派对后,又伪造了假死亡,踏上了全新的冒险之旅。
回复 :香港国际刑警特工队员李卓敏,机场接得国际扫毒专员来港安排一特别任务. 途中遭伏击,专员被劫走,泰缅大毒枭章铁夫致电美国国际刑警总部,以专员交换人质. 任务落在香港特警队长洪彼得身上,洪即电召行动组组长夏振飞及李卓敏等,同时找得善于丛林战的阮志勇,雷军,阿胜等赴毒枭大本营救专员在曼谷街头,一泰女杀手黑天使乔扮卖花女郎枪杀夏振飞,李卓敏追至一废墟,与黑天使展开一场斗智,枪战,拳脚的生死搏斗……1991年《天使特警》云集香港当时所有当红女星,绝对是一部不容错过的武打好戏。而且元彬指导的动作场面非常漂亮……
回复 :夜总会、游乐场、霓虹灯五光十色,柬埔寨首都今夜星光灿烂。少年波拿离乡到金边新开发豪宅区“钻石岛”打工,挣血汗钱过活。意外重遇多年不见的哥哥,带他骑电单车穿梭大街小巷体验灯红酒绿。波拿告别工地好友和心仪女孩,走进目迷五色花花世界。周戴维(《金映岁月》,36 届)为柬埔寨电影打开一线窗口,写实风格描划社会底层少年成长,借蓝黄光影交错,映照纸醉金迷与坠落颓废的冷暖色温,捕捉年轻生命如何向往美好未来,却恐怕这个璀璨都市光辉到此。
回复 :Like Fritz Lang, David Fincher or Bong Joon Ho before him, talented debut filmmaker Lado Kvataniya uses the concept of police detective vs serial killer for an excitingly stylised, macabre and haunting narrative, that ultimately revolves around the identity of an era in this case, the late 1980s Soviet Union. With Glasnost and the end of communist rule, the West also learned of the (unsurprising) fact that there were serial killers in Russia too – the most notorious case probably that of Andrei Chikatilo, nicknamed the Rostov Ripper, or the Russian Hannibal Lecter. Based on these and many other sources, Kvataniya and screenwriter Olga Gorodetskaya constructed an immersive psychological puzzle, jumping back and forth in time, to reveal ever new-possible motives for the actions of all the protagonists. It all starts in 1990, when Detective Issa Davydov is celebrating his promotion and receives a call, reporting a crime that looks precisely like the ones of the serial killer that he famously captured some years before ...