回复 :Anthony Bourdain visits country's and delves into political issues as well as indigenous food and culture.
回复 :More than half of us now live in cities. Crowded, chaotic and bursting with life - these are places under pressure. In this brand new series, Dan Snow, Anita Rani and Ade Adepitan go behind the scenes to reveal the hidden systems and armies of people running some of the greatest cities on earth. Find out how Mexico City keeps its inhabitants safe from earthquakes, and meet local people who offer an inside look at life in metropolises like Delhi and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Moscow's incredible architecture shows that the world's busiest cities also have some of the richest histories.
回复 : 《健谈大会第二季》是中视频首档知识脱口秀,新鲜知识全知道!和亲朋好友一起看知名脱口秀艺人和高校教授、学术专家、知名时评人等权威人士一起健谈生活,解构人生困惑!