跳跃A singer holes up at a sinister estate to write new songs for his act. The ghost of his murdered wife begins to haunt him, then the person who actually killed her shows up at the mansion.
跳跃A singer holes up at a sinister estate to write new songs for his act. The ghost of his murdered wife begins to haunt him, then the person who actually killed her shows up at the mansion.
回复 :In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, and an American family of three moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession.
回复 :午夜,灵异恐怖的小尸妹阴魂归来!屡次被惨死的女鬼魂魄缠身,床底飘忽而现的惊悚长发,衣柜里离奇出现又瞬间消失的半截白衣服,镜头中忽隐忽现的白色诡影,阴森凄厉的呼叫声此起彼伏,惊吓渗入骨髓的鬼压床夜幕准时降临,落入恐怖深渊的女孩半夜再次被鬼魂附体持刀行凶,每时每刻都能遇见怪象……一段冤魂索命,血腥残酷的复仇夺命之旅悄然开启!错爱一人,如若进入死亡迷宫,厄运附体难逃鬼魅附身,一生怪异凄惨!不被理解的痛苦、难以诉说的恐惧感时刻刺痛着她极度崩溃的神经。然而这一切只是开始,不是最终!借尸还魂的惊天阴谋正以极端狠戾残暴的的方式步步紧逼,人与鬼的契约逐渐显现,尖叫式惊悚一触即发……
回复 :吉姆是一个学校公认的问题儿,因此受到一个研究机构的“特别照顾”进行心理辅导,殊不知这个机构是由外星人建立起的地球分基地,并且使用一个大脑怪物来控制附近居民的心智,当吉姆意识到这点时一连串追杀随即而来……(这里面的怪物超赞,大脸猫的究级进化版!)血腥度:3片中怪物数量:2怪物类型:外星生物+变异怪物特点:控制人心智、让人产生幻觉、随着吃人而增大、无处不在怪物必杀技:幻象术、钢牙铁齿、迷魂大法、超进化怪物恶心度:4————————————by zombiehunter