回复 :由迈克尔·法斯宾德饰演的律师顾问被哈维尔·巴登饰演的毒贩拉下水,卷入了一宗高达2000万美元的毒品交易。两位美人(克鲁兹与迪亚茨)轮番登场与顾问周旋,而另一长发神秘男子(布拉德·皮特)的加入更令这场智力游戏扑朔迷离,为保全身而退,顾问决定用尽一切办法。
回复 :重案组警察林薇(白百何 饰)的女儿突然失踪,唯一嫌疑人杨念(黄立行 饰)却在案发当夜横遭车祸并失去记忆。在追踪线索和回忆的逃亡路上,杨念不断遭人暗杀,一心找回女儿的林薇也不惜代价对他步步紧追,重案组组长陆然(明道 饰)在关键时刻对林薇施以援手。真相一层层剥开……
回复 :Interweaving stories of four different women involved in the sex industry offers a glimpse into the dark underbelly of Los Angeles and the taboo lifestyle of a sex worker. A teen runaway, single mother and two career escorts interconnect through their own personal journeys filled with loss, betrayal and the struggle to survive.