在杰西卡-翁索(Jessica Wongso)的好友米尔纳-萨利欣(Mirna Salihin)去世多年后,热血这部纪录片深入探讨了围绕杰西卡-翁索审判的未解之谜。
在杰西卡-翁索(Jessica Wongso)的好友米尔纳-萨利欣(Mirna Salihin)去世多年后,热血这部纪录片深入探讨了围绕杰西卡-翁索审判的未解之谜。
回复 :本片以四川的一个村庄为个案,采用影视社会学的深描方法,通过长达三年的观察和记录,以点带面地折射数亿中国农民在特定的政治、经济和文化环境中所经历的独特的民主自治历程。
回复 :为寻求哥哥叛变投敌真相,秀女王昭君主动请嫁匈奴单于呼韩邪,只身前往大漠。在追求个人爱情幸福与维系胡汉和平大局的抉择面前,身为和亲使者的王昭君毅然以庶母身份再嫁复株累,续写了中华民族团结史上的一段传奇。
回复 :In 2011, Lisa Hepner and her husband Guy Mossman heard about a radical stem cell treatment for diabetes, a disease that shockingly kills more than five million people each year. Driven by a desire to cure Lisa of her own type 1 diabetes (T1D), the filmmakers were given unprecedented, real-time access to a clinical trial -- only the sixth-ever embryonic stem cell trial in the world. What follows is an intimate journey with the patients and scientists who put themselves on the line to be first.