回复 :Wild Canada From the filmmakers of the acclaimed series Human Planet and Planet Earth comes Wild Canada, this spectacular five-part series on the wildlife and the wild lands of Canada reveals a Canada that few have seen before. Underlying the series is an epic narrative through time and across the vast scale of the Canadian landscape, that provides exciting new stories about the plant and wildlife of Canada. New research reveals that many of Canada's unique and stunning natural landscapes are the direct result of ancient human activity. Each episode tells two parallel stories: the natural history of Canada, and how past humans shaped Canada's landscape and the wildlife spectacles we see today.
回复 :山里姑娘陶九丹命运多舛,其父陶郎中给陈府小少爷治病时,遭二房游月娥陷害,被逼嫁女冲喜,为抗婚与老伴葬身火海。九丹青梅竹马的未婚夫赵建武,为救她滚落山崖,生死不明。九丹寻找建武途中昏倒,被孙母所救并强行将她许配给傻儿子占春,她几番逃跑不果,怀上孙家骨肉。建武为寻九丹误入盐帮,命运一次次阴错阳差地将这对苦命鸳鸯分开。占春妹妹文秀则爱上建武,展开一段神女有意、襄王无情的苦恋。这时,陈府老爷陈天阔因九丹长相酷似死去的恋人萧百合,而与她结下不解之缘。当九丹得知父母遇难真相后,往日恩人变成仇人,建武为报仇几经生死。占春死后,陈天阔为救身陷囹圄的九丹,顶着世俗和家族的压力,将她孤儿寡母强行迎娶进府,九丹终于有了命运的归宿。
回复 :该剧该剧讲述了三对都市夫妻,因为“私房钱”所展开的家庭斗争。