春暖Justin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his stepsister.
春暖Justin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his stepsister.
回复 :故事讲述晋国诸侯献公育有三子申生,重耳与夷吾。申生好医术,对继承爵位之事并不着急,而夷吾(黄子扬 饰)不及重耳(黎明 饰)贤能,不惜出毒招重耳,以求得到世子之位,重耳为免兄弟间起干戈,毅然出国游历。重耳应邀出席诸侯大会,途中邂逅秦国怀嬴公主(罗慧娟 饰),情丝互结,可惜生逢乱世,未能成眷属。献公驾崩后,奸妃骊姬(刘桂芳 饰)专政,力举其子奚齐为帝,为朝中大臣所不容,引起内乱。夷吾得秦穆公之势回国称帝。 夷吾登基后,仍担心重耳争位,故出尽办法对付重耳,并下令将怀赢下嫁其太子圉,令重耳大受刺激。重耳为避免夷吾加害,逃亡至赤狄国,备受重用,娶得季隗公主(郭秀云 饰)声势日隆。重耳获悉晋国法政大乱,遂率军大举回晋主持大局,受推举为帝,为晋文公。
回复 :该剧故事将围绕一艘从伦敦开往纽约,满载着移民的船只展开,当船上的人发现了另一艘移民船时,他们的旅程发生了意想不到的改变,那艘船上的东西令一切都变为了噩梦。
回复 :CBS续订《邪恶》第二季。