回复 :
回复 :Digital Media: New Learners of the 21st Century takes viewers to the frontlines of what is rapidly becoming an education revolution. The film, targeted at parents, teachers, and anyone concerned about education in America, explores how exceptional educators are increasingly using digital media and interactive practices to ignite their students' curiosity and ingenuity, help them become civically engaged, allow them to collaborate with peers worldwide, and empower them to direct their own learning.
回复 :K城由罗、祝两大家族操纵,恩怨斗争经历百年。祝家从事制药生意,罗家经营军火买卖,各自盘踞海北市及天南市,两地以边界分隔,谁也不敢越雷池一步。罗密欧巧遇茱丽叶,并对她一见钟情,决定无视家族对立,爱得义无反顾;梁山伯苦恋祝英台,却因身份阶级,相爱不能爱。要换取最大的爱就要付出,但这种付出又是我们所能承受吗?四名主角梁山伯、祝英台、罗密欧和茱丽叶,为了爱情经历重重苦难。最终伯和台选择牺牲自己,成全他人,将爱情化为大爱,谱出一段轰轰烈烈、凄美动人的诗章…