春暖In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
春暖In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
回复 :一名警官自杀了,侦探戴夫(格伦·福特 Glenn Ford 饰)奉命调查这起蹊跷的案件。本来一切都按照程序正常的行进着,在快要结案之际,一个女人忽然现身,她声称她有证据证明这位警察并非自杀,而是死于谋杀。与此同时,戴夫亦收到了上级的命令,命他停止调查此案,这让本就起了疑心的戴夫感到更加的不对劲。随着调查的深入,黑帮老大勒加纳(Alexander Scourby 饰)的身影浮出水面,让戴夫没有想到的是,他的挖掘真相的举动,竟然为自己引来了杀身之祸,虽然他幸运的逃过了一劫没有让杀手得逞,却牵连了一名无辜者。戴夫的正义之魂被点燃了,他发誓要和恶势力斗智斗勇到最后。
回复 :主角悍女Katarina出名泼辣,生男勿近,而她的妹妹Bianca却是一位温柔娴婌的万人迷。做父亲的惨成祸心,或许受不了大女儿Katarina的气焰凌迟,他居然徇私剥夺妹妹谈恋爱的自由,直至姐姐嫁得出为止。那些倾慕妹妹的众生皆因此头疼,苦思后度出一计,就是找一隻替死鬼娶姐姐。Katarina性格暴躁、脾气倔强,找不到任何一个敢娶她的男人,在心不甘情不愿的情况下,她嫁给了高大结实的大胡子男人Petruchio。Petruchio一心要把Katarina训练成百依百顺的好妻子,所以他采取了“以暴制暴”的方式,最后终于驯服了Katarina的一身傲骨。Franco Zeffirelli's adaptation of William Shakespeare's play about love and marriage. Shy Bianca and mean-spirited Katarina, are two daughters of the rich merchant, Baptista. Though Bianca is being courted by a number of young men, Baptista announces that she may not marry until Katarina is wed. None of the men in town are willing to marry Katarina, so Bianca remains unwed, until a scoundrel called Petruchio appears.
回复 :阿兴(石天 饰)和阿汉(吴耀汉 饰),一个性格腼腆,一个开朗奔放,命运将这两个个性迥异的男人牵到了一起,让他们成为了在夜总会中同台演出的最佳拍档。阿兴默默喜欢着女歌手阿珠(钟楚红 饰),害羞的他选择了将这份真诚炙热的感情深深埋藏在心底。阿汉将这一切都看在眼里,他决定帮助朋友抱得美人归。让两人感到头痛的是,一名富商亦在追求着阿珠,论财力,阿兴和阿汉完全不是他的对手。然而,阿珠并没有接受富商的追求,在她的心中,住着另外的一个人。遭到了拒绝的富商以为系阿兴从中作梗,将怒火全部发泄到了阿兴的头上,孱弱的阿兴不幸被打坏了脑袋。