回复 : 本剧讲述了上班族宝田多家良(千叶雄大饰)在机缘巧合之下,观看了剧团英雄的公演,并被演员鸭岛友仁(永山绚斗饰)的表演所打动,辞去工作开启了自己的演员生涯的故事。两人由此开始了同居生活。友仁在教给多家良表演基础的同时,也对他寄予希望,并以此激励自己继续在演员道路上前进。在友仁的帮助和支持下,多家良的才能得到世间认可,成功转变为知名演员。但这时,两人的关系却发生了微妙的变化。在30岁这一人生紧要关头,是该继续追梦,还是甘心放弃?描绘了这两名演员人生中的热血时光的故事,或许会给出答案。
回复 :Gillian is asked on a date by personable customer Gary but he has an alternative motive. He believes that Alan is his father, as a result of a brief fling with Gary's m other Mary, whilst he was still married. Advised by Caroline Gillian tells Alan, who admits it and prepares to see Gary though he is also concerned for his friend Harry, who has to sell his house to settle a court claim. Caroline meanwhile is planning to marry the pregnant Kate, leading to embarrassment for son Lawrence from homophobic fellow pupils. She tells Kate that she feels obliged to tell Celia Alan's secret whilst Alan himself meets Gary in town.
回复 :Peter convinces Fran not to stay away from her school reunion just to avoid her obnoxious braggart rival Jill, who married surgeon Frank. her plan is to take along even more desirable Elliot, who agrees at the gym to play the part. Peter tries out a 'gaydar' app. Fran ignores the gang's warnings not to hope for Elliot actually falling in love with her, so they stage an intervention. Jill ends up confessing her own depressing problem.