回复 :一名风流的汽车推销,员工作不忘泡妞,活得不亦乐乎,谁知倒楣事接连发生:前妻要钱、情妇要人、混混要讨债、上司要他成打订单否则叫他滚蛋···。接著一名女职员的丈夫气极败坏地持枪闯进公司,扣留所有人质,誓言找出太太的情夫,大难临头之际,他要如何靠三寸之舌摆平危机?!以脱口秀起家的罗宾威廉斯,以他幽默戏谑、说话彷如连珠炮的喜剧风格,演出本片小人物打误撞立大功的喜闹情,表现得活灵活现,令人捧腹叫绝。加上提姆罗宾斯突破演出戴绿帽的短路丈夫,疯狂的表现更添张和笑料。
回复 :A female cop goes undercover in a high price whorehouse to find a murderer and discovers she likes the assignment more than she should.
回复 :Gary Busey plays Buck, a former Vietnam veteran/ex-con recently released from the state prison. He returns to the small Midwest town where he grew up only to discover the place overrun by a large motorcycle gang bent on causing trouble. When the bikers murder his wife and traumatize his young daughter, Busey, with the help from a fellow Vietnam vet, as well as his former cell-mate, a drug kingpin living in Miami, Buck arms himself to the teeth and wages a war against the motorcyclists to destroy them once and for all.