午夜It tells the story of a therapy group that is forced to confront the monsters of their past when an isolated weekend retreat tests their emotional resilience and ability to survive.
午夜It tells the story of a therapy group that is forced to confront the monsters of their past when an isolated weekend retreat tests their emotional resilience and ability to survive.
回复 :落魄龙套富贵(潘斌龙 饰)意外获得老挝旅行团门票,参加了一场以表演为主的剧本杀游戏。富贵用心扮演特工角色,却误入了黑帮争斗之中,把一切当作游戏的他自信满满,凭借多年沉淀的演技面对所有困难。啼笑皆非的冒牌特工,别开生面的演技对决。随着阴谋逐渐暴露,剧情也逐渐失控,他将何去何从......
回复 :The subversive nature of gender roles.
回复 :阿武在港边经营一家义式餐厅,七年不见的前任情人一义回国,二人天雷勾动地火激情不断,然而海边来了一个雄壮的陌生男子阿彰,三个人充满阳刚的欲望,搅乱了彼此的关系,究竟是激情?爱情?友情?还是色情?