封号A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving.
封号A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving.
回复 :绝望的未来,世界恍如巨大的废墟,双眼所及之处尽是荒凉与灰暗。人类文明在末日的劫难中毁灭殆尽,在资源极度短缺的情况下,幸存者无所不用其极,甚至出现人吃人的惨烈情况,整个世界呈现地狱般的光景。一位父亲(Viggo Mortensen 饰)和他的儿子(Kodi Smit-McPhee 饰)进行着漫无止境的旅程。他们不断向南,寻找着更为温暖的避难场所,破旧的超市小推车负载着父子二人所有的家当。前路漫漫,希望渺茫,父亲不断回忆着妻子(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)的音容笑貌和他们过去美好的时光,而如今美好不在,父子俩的明天更不知将在何方……本片根据美国小说家考麦克·麦卡锡(Cormac McCarthy)的作品改编。
回复 :纳斯林想要和她丈夫离婚,但是她知道如果这样做,她将无法得到六岁女儿的监护权。因此她瞒着丈夫,和女儿搬到了镇上的另一个地方,在那里,纳斯林在一所医院的托儿所找到了一份工作。一天另一个妈妈找到了她,之后他们的生活发生了意想不到的变化。
回复 :Alice and Niklas are happy, they lack nothing - but a child. After several failed invitros, they go on a holiday to Sardinia to leave their wish for a child behind. Right there, however, everything they tried to repress resurfaces. A cheerful Tyrolean family moves directly into the neighboring house and seems to have everything that Alice and Niklas lack in life. An unforeseen incident changes their view on life, in which the most natural thing in the world does not avail.