春暖In World War II Washington DC, Jamie Rowan, enters a loveless marriage with scientist Pat Jamieson and becomes his assistant. Struggles bring them closer together.
春暖In World War II Washington DC, Jamie Rowan, enters a loveless marriage with scientist Pat Jamieson and becomes his assistant. Struggles bring them closer together.
回复 :一对黑人兄妹相依为命,哥哥却被白人警察误杀,你猜猜她会怎么办?对抗强权为黑人群体发声?并不,妹妹居然造了一架时光机器,回到过去好让自己的哥哥免于枪杀!
回复 :Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll overcome the over 42-kilometer-long challenge as a family relay team. Of course, the fact that neither of them has ever ran even a meter poses no problem.
回复 :一个无父无母孤独流浪的小孩,为了吃一顿饱饭,饥寒交迫之时看上了小狗的口粮吃个精光。后被好心人发现,将其收养,取名狗剩子,狗剩子从此有了安身立命的港湾,对救他的好心人视如父母,对叔婶的儿子也如亲弟弟一般。长大后,贫穷导致狗剩子娶媳妇难。心灰意冷之时弟弟王波提出建议,两人相约一起去城里奋斗。于是两个不屈的年轻人踏上了人生奋斗旅途。到了城里,狗剩子在旅馆勤劳踏实的工作,遇到了心仪的女孩儿,而王波却没有抵住城市里纸醉金迷花花世界的诱惑,和旅馆老板娘的女儿过着花天酒地挥霍无度的生活ccc