回复 :这么多年来,朱莉(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche饰)一直默默支持丈夫的创作事业,照顾5岁的孩子,平静的生活由一场车祸打破。丈夫和女儿的过世,令刚刚在病床上醒来的朱莉大为悲痛。她曾经想一死了之,出院后又生归隐之心,她把丈夫的曲谱付之一炬,以明隔离过往的决心。人间生活对于万念俱灰的朱莉来说,已经无关紧要。然而,现实却防不胜防地进入她的生活,让她开始思考自己对待生活的态度。同时,丈夫的朋友把丈夫留下的残稿发表在媒体上,声称要为这首曲续完。这件事意外地让朱莉得知,曲子原来跟一个女人有关。这个女人,肚中已怀有丈夫的骨肉。朱莉终于获得了心灵的自由,有勇气迎接新的生活和新的感情,她的人生开始转变。
回复 :一个18 岁的男孩Jakob回到法兰克福,一年前他因为母亲死亡而离开。当他设法正常地生活时,他认识了当保姆的波兰女子Wanda, 并且爱上她。但是大家都有些不满意对方。
回复 :This is one of the best Mexican short movies ever. You could probably imagine the Mexican idiosyncrasy, read some history books, but you will find a big difference and experience the feeling of the post-revolutionary age of Mexico with this film.Labor unions, the invasion of large scale and global foreign companies, the mother's love, the Mexican habits descriptions are part of this master piece.Adding the emotion of Jaime Sabine's narration voice in all the allegoric signs and metaphors.The problem is that is almost impossible to get a copy or to find it in Mexico, probably in Europe (I've heard it was restricted by the Mexican government in that period).