回复 :古仁、渖彬这对艺坛老搭档,曾为无数的观众带来欢笑。退休后二人闹矛盾,竟然互不往来。电视台将举办慈善义演,有意邀请二人出席但二人愤然拒绝。后经多方面努力,特别是二位残障儿童的出现,令他们改变了主意。晚会上二位全力以赴的演出,观众给予热烈的掌声。遗憾的是渖彬因心脏病发,在舞台上结束了他的生命,给古仁和观众留下了无尽回忆……
回复 :In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog tells to the members of a club that he has found a message in a bottle with a map from a Harvard's missing professor telling about a treasure of an Inca lost civilization still alive. He decides to go to Peru to seek the gold. However, members of the secret criminal organization "The Spiders" leaded by Lio Sha break in Kay's mansion during the night and steal the map. Kay Hoog travels to Peru, where he retrieves his map and a document about the Diamond Ship from The Spiders. Later he saves the Priestess of the Sun Naela and brings her to San Francisco. However, The Spiders kill Naela and Kay Hoog promises revenge for the death of his love
回复 :战国末期,战火连绵,攻伐不断,百姓疾苦无人问津。秦国王子嬴政童年时困为赵国人质,好心的燕国女子将其与自己的儿子高渐离一同哺育成人。襄王驾崩,嬴政随使臣赶回秦国登基,两个好友也从此天各一方。成为秦王的嬴政(姜文 饰)号令三秦大军攻城略地,各国诸侯闻风丧胆。灭赵后,统一大 业指日可待。秦王念及旧日之情,希望找到高渐离(葛优 饰)谱作《秦颂》。高拒不从命,最终沦为阶下囚,却凭此机缘结识了美丽的栎阳公主(许晴 饰)。心怀妒嫉的王贲(王宁 饰)在高额头上留下耻辱的烙印。出于崇敬和爱恋,栎阳公主亲自劝慰,而高为求一死不惜强奸公主。两人由此结下剪不断、离还乱的孽缘。六国既灭,国之一统,在上万人性命的胁迫下,高渐离作出了荡气回肠的《秦颂》……