阿祖(刘德华 饰)母亲逝世后,火箭父亲(秦沛 饰)管教方法不当,火箭父子俩的关系疏离。阿祖离开家独自生活,生活状况并不如意,幸好有女友阿仪(梁咏琪 饰)在旁鼓励照顾。阿祖一向喜爱赛电单车,但他性格要强,一次与父亲车队中的大伟(吴大伟 饰)比赛,结果阿祖在比赛中受伤了,昏迷了十天。女友悉心照顾并劝他以后不要再赛车了,于是阿祖康复后便决定放弃赛车,好好经营修车店。可是好友嘉乐(钱嘉乐 饰)在一次与大伟的比赛中身亡,事件令阿祖的初衷改变了,阿仪却失望离去……
阿祖(刘德华 饰)母亲逝世后,火箭父亲(秦沛 饰)管教方法不当,火箭父子俩的关系疏离。阿祖离开家独自生活,生活状况并不如意,幸好有女友阿仪(梁咏琪 饰)在旁鼓励照顾。阿祖一向喜爱赛电单车,但他性格要强,一次与父亲车队中的大伟(吴大伟 饰)比赛,结果阿祖在比赛中受伤了,昏迷了十天。女友悉心照顾并劝他以后不要再赛车了,于是阿祖康复后便决定放弃赛车,好好经营修车店。可是好友嘉乐(钱嘉乐 饰)在一次与大伟的比赛中身亡,事件令阿祖的初衷改变了,阿仪却失望离去……
回复 :作为一个对性持开明态度的国家,日本在其原本便已丰富多彩的性文化中逐渐演变出一种独一无二的性技巧——紧缚文化。这一文化有记录的始于明治时期,画家伊藤春雨曾留下描写紧缚的《责罚图》,其后历经大正、昭和,虽曾受卫道士的抨击和打压,但紧缚文化却势不可当蔓延开来。异色导演广木隆一这次将镜头对准了这片仍旧很神秘的领域,全程拍摄紧缚表演的过程。同时还采访了三位著名的紧缚师:濡木痴梦夫、雪村春树和有末刚。他们谈论了从业的始末和对紧缚的理解与感悟,而三位女优亦亲口谈论了紧缚过程中的真实感受……
回复 :Brooklyn-based Ella Richards does freelance work as a seamstress to pay the bills, but is also a struggling fashion designer, her talent which her friend Max, who often gets her her sewing work, can see. She specializes in designs for plus sized women such as herself in knowing that the high end fashion industry largely ignores this majority segment of the population in she herself having felt that exclusion all her life. Katie, her best friend and roommate, has her own fashion industry aspirations in wanting to be a fashion editor, although she admits the environment at Look, the high end fashion magazine where she works as an assistant, is not a pleasant one in the Editor-in-Chief Claudia Davenport and her assistant Liza, Katie's boss, treating people in general, including staff, like garbage unless it otherwise serves their needs. The first day that Ella helps Katie with an important fashion shoot at the magazine coincides with Derek Colby's first day there, Colby Publishing, his father Roger Colby's company, the magazine's parent company, assigning him to deal with the magazine's declining revenues, both in advertising and subscriptions, work he has done with other magazines under the Colby banner. Derek secretly asks Ella for a crash course in fashion design to assist in this task at the magazine, she his choice of teacher due to her knowledge of fashion in general, and she seemingly not being intimidated by him which most people tend to be in being a Colby in combination with his good looks resulting in he placing number seven of the most eligible bachelors in New York City. In spending time with Ella, Derek can see the revenue potential of the magazine expanding into the plus sized market and seemingly starts to fall for her in the process in wanting to do one of the first articles in this vein on her design career, much against the wishes of both Claudia and Liza. Beyond whether Derek is able to change the magazine's fortunes with this new direction, what happens between Ella and Derek will depend on whether Ella herself is confident enough in herself and Derek, who generally can have any woman he wants on his arm.—Huggo
回复 :平民鱼贩小四郎突然被告知真实身份并继承了大名之位,本以为是个丑小鸭变天鹅的美好童话,却发现自己的领地欠下相当于现在约100亿日元的巨债,而背后更有着惊天阴谋。本片改编自日本当代文豪浅田次郎的同名时代小说,汇聚了神木隆之介、宫崎葵、松山研一、浅野忠信等全明星阵容,音乐鬼才大友良英操刀配乐,以无论哪个时代都与人息息相关的“钱”为主题,为观众带来一出轻松搞笑又温暖励志的人生逆转大戏。