黄色A ph.D student investigates unusual seismic activity in Los Angeles, leading to a cabal of elitist scientists, who plan to weaponize Nikola Tesla's most secret research to manipulate thought patterns and earthquakes.
黄色A ph.D student investigates unusual seismic activity in Los Angeles, leading to a cabal of elitist scientists, who plan to weaponize Nikola Tesla's most secret research to manipulate thought patterns and earthquakes.
回复 :STXfilms拿下塔拉吉·P·汉森和山姆洛·克威尔主演新片《最佳敌人》(The Best of Enemies)的北美发行权,Babou Ceesay(《侠盗一号》)、安妮·海切(《危险机密》)、韦斯·本特利(《美国恐怖故事》)、布鲁斯·麦克吉尔(《妙女神探》)、小约翰·加拉赫、尼克·西塞等参演。制片人罗宾·比塞尔(《饥饿游戏》《琼斯的自由国度》)首执导筒,并根据Osha Gray Davidson所著书籍改编剧本。汉森饰演北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的民权活动家Ann Atwater,与3K党领导者C.P. Ellis(洛克威尔)进行了为时10年的斗争,直到1971年,两人同意共同主持一个为期两周的社区会议,以应对法院命令的学校废除种族隔离法令。这场会议改变了他们的生活。
回复 :Soo-kyung is a news reporter with a troubled past. Back then when she was a teenager, she and her best friend Min-soo wanted to go to a park, but there Min-soo disappeared without a trace. Soo-kyung felt responsible and decided to become a journalist, to investigate the case on her own. But until now she has found no sign of her friend. One day, she gets a call from her childhood-friend Min-gook who insists that he saw Min-soo. Soo-kyung doesn't believe him at first, but finally she is able to meet Min-soo again. Min-soo in return confirms her identity and also recognizes Soo-kyung, but she behaves totally different. Soo-kyung feels that something is still terribly wrong and everything points to Min-soo's boyfriend Dong-min.
回复 :一文字秀虎(仲代达矢饰)征战多年,手段残忍。在七十岁时,秀虎准备将家业一分为三,由三个儿子分掌大权。他把太郎孝虎(寺尾聪饰)、次郎正虎(根津甚八饰)、三郎直虎(隆大介饰)叫到跟前,以“支箭会断,砚支箭折不断”喻语告诫三兄弟,嘱咐他们要休戚与共。三郎当场把三支箭横在膝上折断,以抗议父亲枉经乱世,而不知人情。秀虎大怒,将三郎驱逐出境。三郎遂到邻国入赘为婿。而之后一文字家果然被三郎言中,背信弃义的告诫果然成真,父子及兄弟间的纷乱开始,迎接他们的将是什么命运?