當你的霸氣,精品遇上了我的倔強,精品我鋼鐵般的世界,闖進一個不速之客,當所有衝突一步步在我心裡刻畫出你的存在。小王子遇上狐狸,究竟誰馴服了誰?你我是依存還是愛戀?這一切的故事,從我們之間的約‧定開始......Be Loved in House 系列首部作品-「約‧定」,當鋼鐵總監與傲嬌員工相遇在同個屋簷下,發展出一段辦公室禁忌的愛戀......
當你的霸氣,精品遇上了我的倔強,精品我鋼鐵般的世界,闖進一個不速之客,當所有衝突一步步在我心裡刻畫出你的存在。小王子遇上狐狸,究竟誰馴服了誰?你我是依存還是愛戀?這一切的故事,從我們之間的約‧定開始......Be Loved in House 系列首部作品-「約‧定」,當鋼鐵總監與傲嬌員工相遇在同個屋簷下,發展出一段辦公室禁忌的愛戀......
回复 :和霸总一见钟情过了夜,却被富家千金嫉妒。差点被毁尸灭迹的女主六年后带着孩子再次出现……
回复 :Season four of espionage drama "MI-5" finds the team reeling from the loss of Danny (David Oyelowo), but thrown back into action when a bomb detonates near his funeral. Zafar Younis (Raza Jaffrey) and Juliet Shaw (Anna Chancellor) are introduced to the show, in a story involving a potentially devastating terrorist attack in the capital. Later in the season Lyndsay Duncan guest stars as a former MI-5 officer with a deadly grudge, one which threatens the lives of everyone back at The Grid.
回复 :讲述各种各样性格的刑警,通过分析案情一步步破案的过程。This drama outlines the various stories in which detective with strong personalities solve their ways through crimes with different investigative methods and know-hows.