回复 :园子温新片讲述导演小林正的新片“假面”招募演员,吸引大批想入行的女人前来报名,但是条件只有一个:必须通过实体书信邮寄,而正是红色的邮筒,将所有角色串联到了一起……
回复 :Remi throws himself on the ground, listens to birds and falls asleep in hedges. Gabriel opens his stomach to the tip of a knife. They meet.
回复 :A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes to town seeking help, she awakens the sexual desires of all the men, but the only one who helps her is a sympathetic sculptor. When she is allegedly killed, the man sends the artists who refused to aid the woman death masks of the victim. All later conclude that the woman was not mortal.