回复 :这一次,B站包下了一座城。在占地面积 370 万平方米的唐城,还原了中国古代的盛世百景。从流传千年的指间手艺“草编”,到国家级非物质文化遗产“万载开口傩”,再到呈现大量敦煌壁画元素的“花车斗彩”...... 整场节目中埋藏了海量的国风彩蛋,等着你来挖掘。这将会是一场彻头彻尾由传统文化打造而成的国风盛会
回复 :With an eye for every budget, three travelers visit vacation rentals around the globe and share their expert tips and tricks in this reality series.
回复 :From FOX, the creators of American Idol and the producers of American Bandstand and The American Music Awards comes So You Think You Can Dance.In its sophomore season, this show is offering the winner a one year contract for Celine Dion's Vegas show, a brand new car and $100K cash. Contestants perform a particular style of dance each week with a partner. The audience votes on their favorite couple leaving the 3 couples with the least votes up for elimination. After each dancer performs a solo of their choice for the judges, one male and one female contestant are up for elimination.