春暖A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identity of the killer before it's too late.
春暖A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identity of the killer before it's too late.
回复 :国际缉毒组织通知我国,藏有大量毒品的“天狮”号货轮将在我国港口装货。与此同时,我公安部门获悉,有人要杀掉正准备入境的女华侨林育儿,而林育儿正是“天狮”号的船主。为了摸清情况,李政被派往澳门调查。在澳门警长周志方等的配合下,李政发现有两派黑社会势力对“天狮”号都感兴趣。原来,船上的毒品是天宏公司董事长简鹰良所藏。林育儿的父亲10年前被简杀害,为报杀父之仇,林育儿不惜重金收买,甚至以身相许,企图利用高约翰来达此目的,由此引起了一场大厮杀,结果两败俱伤,林育儿死里逃生。但她仍不甘心,继续跟踪“天狮”号到内地。此时,李政早已化装登船,并故意放林育儿上船。“天狮”号船上的李子龙,乃林育儿童年好友,后替简鹰良贩运毒品,成了简的看家狗。在澳门,简鹰良唯恐林、李旧情复萌,泄露贩毒计划,曾派人准备伺机干掉林育儿。林育儿试图通过李子龙弄清毒品的下落,并希望他反戈一击。然...
回复 :城市里流传着一个奇怪的传言。有一些流浪在外居无定所的人会偷偷潜入别人的家里,把自己隐藏起来,然后生活下去……张家伟(霍建华 饰)是一家咖啡厅的老板,和妻女居住在一个高档小区里,生活富足,家庭和睦,不过他却患有严重的洁癖和强迫症,终日饱受心理疾病的折磨,一天,他接到了哥哥失踪询问电话,神经一下子紧张起来。到旧公寓寻找哥哥未果的家伟结识了跟哥哥居住在同一层的苏红(秦海璐 饰)母女,苏红对张家伟的哥哥表现出异常的恐慌和反感,失踪案件变得扑朔迷离。与此同时,张家伟的妻女和家忽然间成为一个“神秘人”的袭击目标,张家伟一边抵挡着“神秘人”对家人的袭击,一边寻找哥哥,由此一步步揭开了一个隐藏在他心中多年的秘密……
回复 :Just days ago, Elizabeth Derby (Heather Graham) was a successful psychiatrist with a loving husband and the world at her fingertips. Now, she finds herself locked up inside a psych ward after the murder of a young male patient to whom she had an inexplicable, almost otherworldly attraction. Hoping to clear her name, Elizabeth confides in her doctor and recounts what happened, giving way to a bizarre and disturbing tale of sexual madness, supernatural horror, and homicidal rage. The deeper the story goes, the more unhinged and carnage-laden life becomes, not just for Elizabeth but for everyone in her path.In this cinematic love letter to the late, great horror filmmaker Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator, From Beyond), the go-for-broke indie veteran Joe Lynch provides an unpredictable and delightfully perverted gift to fans of everything from erotic thrillers to body horror and H.P Lovecraft-minded cosmic mayhem. Written by Re-Animator scribe Dennis Paoli, produced by ‘80s horror maven Brian Yuzna (Society), and co-starring Re-Animator MVP Barbara Crampton, Suitable Flesh will be catnip for those who like their horror equal parts classically minded and progressively unclassifiable.