欧美Lord Zedd is introduced as the new arch-rival of the Power Rangers. Angered by the failure of Rita, he imprisons her in the Dumpster again and sets about defeating the Power Rangers by immobilizing the zords.
欧美Lord Zedd is introduced as the new arch-rival of the Power Rangers. Angered by the failure of Rita, he imprisons her in the Dumpster again and sets about defeating the Power Rangers by immobilizing the zords.
回复 :Shinobu and her class are preparing for a play for their school's cultural festival while Aya feels a little distanced from Shinobu for not having any elementary school memories with her. The story will takes us back to the past where Shinobu, Yoko, and Aya in their third year middle school year are preparing for their highschool entrance exam.
回复 :就学于天青学园的少年,龙崎希罗。他因为出乎意料的原因得到了神秘的手机。手机中有着超人气电子卡牌游戏「影之诗」。与对手们相遇,挑战大赛,与同伴间的牵绊。通过影之诗收获的东西,促成了希罗的「进化」。
回复 :水无月嘉祥(立花慎之介 配音)出生于一个非常传统的日式糕点世家之中,但他真正想要制作的,却是精美的西式点心。为了实现自己的梦想,水无月嘉祥离开了故乡,并且创立了自己的品牌La Soleil,成为了店里的店长兼糕点师。 一天,嘉祥意外的从老家寄来的包裹里发现了躲在里面的两只猫娘香草(佐伯伊织 配音)和巧克力(八木侑纪 配音),心软的嘉祥最终决定收留两只猫娘。之后,个性大胆奔放的红豆(井泽诗织 配音)、自尊心超强的枫(伊藤美来 配音)、个性温和的桂(野口百合 配音)和成熟稳重的椰子(水谷麻铃 配音)也接二连三的来到了嘉祥的身边。