回复 :Deserted for years, an historically significant house is coveted by a number of people: a yuppie couple looking for a country home to restore, a local builder and his estate agent partner looking for development rights, and a conservationist. The owner is anxious to sell, but when a couple of deaths occur in the vicinity, things come to a halt while Inspector Barnaby investigates.
回复 :有着无敌笑容,每日都精神饱满的家政达人——32岁的单身男子金泰坪(金炯完 饰),人送外号“金先生”,在主妇中有着极高的人气。因为一些事情,突然间成为了四个小朋友的监护人!可打扫卫生和清洁能手并不能告诉泰坪怎么照顾小孩。于是泰坪就这么磕磕盼盼开始了他的监护人生涯。陪伴他一起照顾这四个小捣蛋的还有社长的女儿,热血的体育老师李雨静(王智慧 饰)。看似乐观的泰坪和雨静,内心都有着不为外人道也的伤痛,却因为这次意外和小朋友的加入,在闹腾中,渐渐治愈了彼此受伤的心灵,而二人也由友谊渐渐萌生出了爱意。这份爱情必经波折,但人见人爱的金先生,定能拾得一个美满的结局,和四个小朋友及雨静从此过上幸福的日子。
回复 :結婚当天她意外闯入他的房间,好不容易逃脫却撞见未婚夫和小三上位,她痛哭退婚却被群嘲,他如天神般降临,要和她結婚,本以为只是契約婚姻,婚后她却被他宠上了天!