暴力A group of friends must confront their fears in a terrifying game.
暴力A group of friends must confront their fears in a terrifying game.
回复 :天真爛漫的智雨和自由奔放的惠利個性不同,為了實現單純智友的「第一次」,惠利決定給還是處女之身的智雨上一堂轟轟烈烈的性教育課,她交給智雨一個特別任務,那就是與在旅途中遇到的男人上床……
回复 :Nick Pearson is a life-long bachelor who is finally settling down. On the brink of his wedding he is surprised to find he has a 13 year old son who has come to find his him through the help of a psychic. The problem is Nick can't stand kids and would happily send the boy back to live with his biological mother, except that no one has any clue who that might be. Having nowhere t...
回复 :拉亚(佛罗伦斯·珀 Florence Pugh 饰)和哥哥扎克(杰克·劳登 Jack Lowden 饰)生活在一个美满而幸福的家庭之中,兄妹两人之间的感情也十分要好。父母对兄妹两人最大的期望就是他们有朝一日能够参加WWE比赛,让这家人想不到的是,他们的梦想竟然有朝一日成真的。WWE的教练哈奇(文斯·沃恩 Vince Vaughn 饰)邀请拉亚和扎克去参加选拔赛,在比赛现场,两人遇见了他们的偶像巨石强森(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)。比赛结果出来了,拉亚被选中,而扎克不幸落选。就这样,拉亚改名为佩奇,前往弗罗里达州开始了训练,可是,高强度的练习和个性迥异的队友们让拉亚感到非常的不适应,甚至萌生了放弃的念头。