回复 :After the loss of his wife, BILL PONDER (Simmons) and his 17-year-old son WES move out of their small town into the big city in an attempt to have a fresh start. As they each begin to adjust to their new life and seek ways to heal their wounds, they both find comfort in newfound romance. Wes meets LACY, an introverted but fierce girl whose enigmatic personality captivates Wes' attention, and Bill meets CARINE, a compassionate and elegant teacher whose own past heartaches resonate with his. As relationships are tested, Bill and Wes grow apart and back together again while discovering their true selves in the process. Written by Cameron West
回复 :
回复 :唯一的弟弟优(川村亮介 饰)和好友被几个不良少年欺负并杀害,收受贿赂的警方又判定为自杀,这一切使原本开朗快乐的高中生日高亚美(八代みなせ 饰)愤恨不已。然而不良少年的头头木村翔(西原信裕 饰)既拥有黑道背景,同时也是忍者服部半藏的后代。亚美复仇不成,反被切去手臂。危难时刻,幸得弟弟好友的父母——开办修理厂的杉原(石川ゆうや 饰)和美纪(亚纱美 饰)——的帮助得以生还,经过改造,断臂之处甚至可以装上威力无比的机关枪。亚美和杉原夫妇再次踏上复仇之路……