优木A young girl whose father is an ex-convict and whose mother is a junkie finds it difficult to conform and tries to find comfort in a quirky combination of Elvis and the punk scene.
优木A young girl whose father is an ex-convict and whose mother is a junkie finds it difficult to conform and tries to find comfort in a quirky combination of Elvis and the punk scene.
回复 :自由撰稿人?以朝井麻由美的随笔《solo活女子的推荐》为原案的本剧,通过积极享受独处时间的活动=“solo活”,主人公?描写五月女惠重新审视自己的故事。
回复 :A romance historical drama set in Joseon in the year of the Rat.
回复 :泰国洞察娱乐2020年5月19日宣布将翻拍大陆剧《致我们单纯的小美好》。