回复 :故事以当前农村义务教育现状为背景,真实地表现了基层农村学校的状况,赞扬了一大批农村教员以及像李阳光一样的大学生,支教农村,甘愿为新农村教育而扎根基层的奉献精神。
回复 :每段情感关系都有保鲜期吗?影片以多对伴侣的不同视角,解构情感如何在时间消磨中获得调和。
回复 :Captain Fedor Volkonogov is part of the law enforcement system. He is appreciated by the commander and respected by colleagues. But the moment comes for Captain's life to take the abrupt turn - he is criminally charged. Captain manages to escape prior to the arrest turning in a split of the second into prey hunted down by ex-colleagues. At night Fedor receives the warning from the afterlife that he is destined for Hell and eternal torments. Though Captain still has a chance to change the destiny and be accepted to Heaven under condition that he repents and at least one person grants him sincere forgiveness. Fedor sets on a mission to find absolution without idea of the trials he is to face on this route.