回复 :Hospital physician June Lowe and successful author Rick Lowe have a seemingly perfect marriage, the one sticking point between them being the issue of children. Rick wants June to give up her career so that they can start a family, and while June is not averse to the notion of children, not only does she not want to give up her career but expand into writing herself, she not understanding why Rick couldn't/shouldn't be the primary caregiver anyway in already working from home. In the process, June feels like Rick totally dismisses her feelings. When Rick receives a blackmail letter for something he totally denies as truth, June gets implicated in a double homicide. June quickly realizes that Rick is trying to frame her, he the actual murderer. As June needs to evade both Rick and the police and has no one to confide in, including her generally loving sister Maggie Porter who believes the accusations of she being a murderer, June not only has to discover why Rick killed the two victims but why he is trying to frame her. When she believes she's discovered what's going on, June enters a dangerous cat and mouse game with Rick, it not always clear who is the cat and who is the mouse.—Huggo
回复 :生活在孤儿院的小女孩苏菲(鲁比·巴恩希尔 Ruby Barnhill 饰)总是闷闷不乐。某天的凌晨三点,她独自趴在窗口守望长夜,却无意中见到一个身形巨大的巨人(马克·里朗斯 Mark Rylance 饰)。巨人被发现后惊慌失措,匆忙中抓起苏菲一路飞奔,回到了他所在的巨人国。幸运的是这个被称作好心眼儿的巨人人如其名,他不像其他同类一样以“人豆子”为食,只吃水果和蔬菜,而且他还会把寻找到的美梦送入孩子们的梦想。这也算是对同类暴行的一种补偿。兴许是拥有共同的孤独感和善良,小小的苏菲和高大的好心眼儿慢慢熟络,并彼此信任,他们成为了毫无芥蒂和隐藏的好朋友……本片根据著名儿童文学作家罗尔德•达尔的同名原著改编。
回复 :一名年輕浪子開始全力追求新鄰居的女兒,他原本的生活因此跟著翻天覆地。