回复 :After surgery glamorous actress, Veronica Ghent, travels with her nurse, Desi, to the remote highlands in order to attend a healing retreat. The other guests are eccentric and there is something different about the land; the nature seems to have a purpose of its own. Immersing herself in the dramatic surroundings, Veronica is given a new lease of life and finds purpose through the magical elements in the land. Desi must overcome her own battles to help Veronica make peace with herself. Veronica and Desi, the motherless child and the childless mother, find in each other a sense of family, and the future of a new dawn opens up to them.
回复 :故事以二战末期为背景,讲述五人美军小队奉命守护一座法国古堡。不料城堡除了残余的敌军,一股超自然的邪恶力量也正在蓄势待发。小队众人也面临着比战场上更加残酷的威胁。
回复 :50多岁的米查·贾努是一名退休的情报官。在发现自己和前妻所生的儿子在山区失踪后,他就像那些会关心孩子的家长那样,立刻踏上了寻子之旅。在几天的搜寻未果后,米查决定自行组织一个救援队,但这也引发了同当地的救援行动小组的矛盾。渐渐地,这位拒绝接受事实、不愿放弃的父亲,陷入了一场同他人以及自然之间展开的疯狂的较量。他能成功“移山”,找到自己的儿子吗?