回复 :曼迪·莲恩是学校里每个男生渴望的对象。当曼蒂接受了同学的邀请,参加位于德州边境乡村小屋的周末摇头狂欢派对,她必须阻止一个个男同学前仆后继向她进攻,然后一个秘密的护花使者自动开始替她除去一个个眼中钉,用其它追求者的血液写下他对曼蒂不悔的爱。
回复 :铁空事件发生20年后,前纳粹月球基地已成为人类最后的避难所。地球被核战争摧毁,但是深埋在荒原之下的是一种可以拯救人类最后一部分或者一劳永逸地毁灭人类的力量。当一个老敌人带领我们的英雄进入空心地球探险时,人类创造背后的真相将被揭示。为了拯救人类,他们必须与Vril战斗,Vril是一个古老的变形爬行动物种族和他们的恐龙军队。
回复 :Six dads gather in rural Oklahoma for a weekend fishing trip. As the men cast their rods into the river, share their catch over dinner, and swap stories beside the bonfire, we learn what has brought them to this scenic idyll: the love for their trans and LGBTQ children, their fears for their children's safety, and the urgency to fight for the ground on which they all stand. The...