精品As a silly frat boy prank, Young Sid is boiled in a tub of acid. Years later he returns to wreak havoc on the new generation of brothers in his old fraternity.
精品As a silly frat boy prank, Young Sid is boiled in a tub of acid. Years later he returns to wreak havoc on the new generation of brothers in his old fraternity.
回复 :水木(哀川翔 饰)自幼在隐岐群岛内的知夫里岛上的孤儿院长大,少年时期,他在那里结识了一班好朋友。成年后,水木成为一名混迹黑道的赏金杀手。某日,他受墨田组所雇准备刺杀荒川组组长。但在行动之际,目标却死于另一名杀手的枪下。水木发现,那名杀手竟和自己的童年伙伴宫周(竹内力 饰)极其相像。经过一番调查,水木尾随宫周回到了知夫里岛,并和童年时期的伙伴见面,几位好友度过了一段快乐的时光。与此同时,东京正被各路黑帮的连番战火所笼罩。水木和宫周决定返回东京,利用刺杀赚来的钱资助发展中国家的贫困儿童。他们为这个目标不断努力着,而自己也渐渐成为黑帮憎恨和刺杀的目标……本片为“DOA(生死格斗)三部曲”第二部。
回复 :Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for The Agency, accidentally intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for drug lord Seth Romero, who takes exception and tries to get them back. Soon other Agency operatives get involved, and a full-scale fight to the finish ensues, complicated here and there by an escaped snake made deadly by Toxic Waste!
回复 :本片是叙述11岁犹太裔的罗米克(海利乔奥斯蒙饰),为了躲避纳粹的迫害,被父执辈的友人收容并躲在乡下,与他的孩子们一起生活,期间认识了一些朋友,一起上教堂,听神父讲道。但其中让罗米克不解的是这些孩童常常在深夜去火车站,不知为啥?村中的孩童及犹太人也常遭暗杀及强暴,这种种事件都无意中让罗米克发现了,其间有些本籍非犹裔的村童被误认为犹大人而被送走至集中营,但罗米克因被误为本地村童而捡回一命,是幸还是不幸呢?