克里斯汀·贝尔马斯 (Christine Bermas) 沉默寡言,阿飞却又致命。在朋友安排的派对上,阿飞瑞秋遇到了四个男人。当男人强奸瑞秋和她的朋友时,充满酒精和毒品的夜晚变得混乱。瑞秋发誓要不惜一切代价报仇。
克里斯汀·贝尔马斯 (Christine Bermas) 沉默寡言,阿飞却又致命。在朋友安排的派对上,阿飞瑞秋遇到了四个男人。当男人强奸瑞秋和她的朋友时,充满酒精和毒品的夜晚变得混乱。瑞秋发誓要不惜一切代价报仇。
回复 :Twenty years ago, old Mrs. Barlow was killed in her home at 12, Pimlico Square for her priceless rubies. The murderer searched the whole house without finding them, then disappeared. The house has been empty since then, but now Paul and Bella Mallen move into the apartment. Bella Mallen suffers from forgetfulness and nervousness - at least that is what her husband tells her. An elderly horse wrangler, B.G. Rough worked as a policeman twenty years ago and still remembers the unsolved case. He notices that Mr. Mallen looks just like Louis Barre, Mrs. Barlow's nephew. And why does Mr. Mallen so mysteriously leave every night just to go into the apartment next door, nr. 14?
回复 :20年前,小镇上一所高中在戏剧表演时发生意外,主角无辜命丧舞台。20年后,同校的师弟师妹为纪念惨剧发生20周年,决定重新编排当年未能圆满谢幕的舞台剧,没想到骇人的事情发生了……
回复 :秦明来到清江市参加新书签售,偶遇清江首富张富国的千金张静雅,调查张家母亲多年前的死因,却发现张富国书房被杀,牵扯出张家养子杨志远与张静雅姐弟的恩怨情仇,秦明鉴证追凶后发现张富国的死因并不简单......