噗噗Joe is an Alien on Earth. At least that is what his father told him before he died when Joe was eleven. He finds it difficult to adjust, and to find a compatible girl friend
噗噗Joe is an Alien on Earth. At least that is what his father told him before he died when Joe was eleven. He finds it difficult to adjust, and to find a compatible girl friend
回复 :大学教授夏薇(王丽坤 饰)涉嫌故意杀人,舆论发酵失控,多方压力涌来。随着检察官李睿(黄景瑜 饰)和同事张有成(王千源 饰)对该案进行审查,发现作恶多端的富商陈鑫(包贝尔 饰)与此案密切相关,一桩深埋多年的旧案被牵出…故意杀人案、强奸案、官商勾结环环相扣,所有人都被迫卷进这场命运的漩涡。李睿与夏薇辩护律师童雨辰(白百何 饰)在法庭上激烈交锋,夏薇究竟为何沉默不语?她的丈夫洪俊山(冯绍峰 饰)又隐藏了什么秘密?正邪敌我难辨,无法预料的危机等待着众人…
回复 :99 Songs is a musician’s quest to understand his purpose and passion. It is a journey of heartbreak and redemption, of loss and faith; an ode to the timeless power of love and music. 99 Songs is co-written by A.R Rahman. He also composed the original score and songs.
回复 :罗伯特·杜斯特(Robert A. Durst)这位纽约的房地产家族后裔在美国新奥尔良被捕。当地执法官员称杜斯特涉嫌15年前发生在洛杉矶的一起谋杀案。事实上,多年以来杜斯特一直身处舆论的漩涡之中。1982年他的第一任妻子莫名消失,2000年他的密友在洛杉矶被杀害,案件 至今悬而未决。2001年,住在德克萨斯的杜斯特邻居被射杀并且遭肢解。这一系列围绕着杜斯特的谜团,引起了HBO导演的兴趣。