维特A portrait of the "world's greatest living explorer" Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a film that goes beyond the record breaking achievements to explore the man behind the myth.
维特A portrait of the "world's greatest living explorer" Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a film that goes beyond the record breaking achievements to explore the man behind the myth.
回复 :Inspired by writer, director, and star Aml Ameen's life, Boxing Day follows Melvin (Ameen), a British author living in America, who returns home to London for Christmas to introduce his American fiancée, Lisa (King), to his eccentric British-Caribbean family. Their relationship is put to the test as she discovers the world her fiancée has left behind. Written by Deadline
回复 :万圣节前一个神志不清的老人对医生说"他们将会杀死我们",随后便被残忍谋杀。老人的女儿请求医生帮助自己追查父亲死因。两人追寻线索到一家专做恐怖头套的玩具工厂。工厂所在的镇上又有数人被残忍杀害。离万圣节越来越近,这家工厂的阴谋也逐渐暴露出来.....
回复 :一位美國女性小說家在土耳其小島上被謀殺了!龜毛的媽寶警探從伊斯坦堡趕來調查案件。一 滴落在被害人左眼的血,成為破案關鍵。他急欲找出那滴血的擁有者,卻發現在這個家庭鏈結 統 緊密、堅持古老傳統、而且種族關係敏感的小島上,要驗個 DNA 都困難重重,顯然背後隱藏 中東 著巨大的祕密⋯⋯。前作《公里歸零》成為首部入選坎城影展正式競賽的伊拉克電影,作品也多次入選柏林、盧卡 味福 諾、威尼斯等國際影展,辛納薩林姆以五○年代的偵探故事為本,以獨具風格的敘事手法,幽 爾 默諷刺土耳其與庫德族人的矛盾與衝突,以及深根於社會的性別歧視。但他故事說得漂亮,角 摩色個個瘋狂鮮明,對比強烈,充滿喜感,亦引人入勝。