性爱An in-depth look at the life and music of Manchester-based rock band, Oasis.
性爱An in-depth look at the life and music of Manchester-based rock band, Oasis.
回复 :For two years BBC cameras have followed, Dr Sheperd Doeleman of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the work of the Event Horizon Telescope project team, a collective of the top scientific minds from around the world. The project combines radio observatories and telescope facilities from around the world to make up a virtual telescope with a diameter spanning the entire planet. This mega-telescope’s ultimate mission is to capture the first image ever of a black hole. Although the concept of black holes has been long assumed to be fact, the Event Horizon Telescope’s success would definitively prove the existence of this scientific phenomena for the first time – and provide clear visual evidence.The programme brings viewers into the laboratories, behind the computer screens and beside the telescopes of what may prove to be one of the great astrophysical achievements in human history.
回复 :三个学生时代的至交老友一起出游济州岛发生的故事。该片将在他们的大学时节和现在穿插叙事。90%的戏份在济州岛取景,5月中旬将在济州岛正式开机。
回复 :迪士尼终决定将其复兴的里程碑之作《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid)改编成真人歌舞片!这一消息是Deadline首先曝光的,据他们报道,迪士尼已经接洽过好几位重量级的制作人,他们不想输给环球公司,因为后者也在筹拍他们的真人版《小美人鱼》电影。目前迪士尼的真人电影版《小美人鱼》相中导演——他们的第一选择是刚与其合作了《欢乐满人间2》的罗伯·马歇尔(《芝加哥》《艺伎回忆录》《奇幻黑森林》),已向他发出邀请。此前该片已邀来大红人林-曼努尔·米兰达和迪士尼传奇作曲家艾伦·曼肯创作新歌曲,而如今开始攻克导演,马歇尔已收到邀约。他将在年底假期花一段时间考虑,消息源称预计他会在过完新年后接下导演一职。