笑傲Film about Swedish artist and feminist Silvana Imam.
笑傲Film about Swedish artist and feminist Silvana Imam.
回复 :故事发生在1971年的北爱尔兰,新教徒和天主教徒之间的矛盾不断激化,战争一触即发,情势十分危急。加里(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)是一名年轻的英国士兵,上司将他派遣至贝尔法斯特,这里是内战的主要战场,充满了四飞的流弹,愤怒的人群和心怀鬼胎的投机分子。一场冲突之中,加里和同伴飞身追捕小偷,然而,当加里回过神来之时,发现混乱的街头只剩下自己独自一人,更糟糕的是,他所身处的,恰恰是敌方阵营,这也就意味着,他身边出现的每一个人,都有可能想要取自己的性命。为了回到驻扎地,加里开始了漫长的跋涉,一路上等待着他的,是陌生复杂的环境,和穷凶极恶的亡命之徒。
回复 :导演黎妙雪180度大变,由拍问题少女到痴恋少女后,转向惊悚血腥之作。一间于大澳的度假屋,住了不少年青人,当中有小说家、悠手好闲的小混混等等。一日一男子从九龙到了那儿度假,及后发生多多怪事……
回复 :One of our favourite natural history subjects, the good old dinosaur, gets a makeover and then some in this fantastically ambitious and groundbreaking documentary. Based on cutting-edge palaeontology and the latest fossil records, DINOTASIA presents a series of vignettes about dinosaurs - both familiar faces and some we have only found out about in the past ten years. The film uses CGI to bring the stories to life, but draws on animation's birth in silent film and early Disney to create proper, traditional visual storytelling. Werner Herzog narrates, reuniting with the team behind GRIZZLY MAN and CAVE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS.