回复 : 整台晚会众星云集,艺术家们用丰富多彩的语言表演形式,声情并茂的舞台演绎,为观众呈现了一场精彩绝伦的视听盛宴。
回复 :法医带领9名法医新人,历经10大真实案件考核,争夺最终OFFER,上季2名出圈实习生将作为“学长学姐”参与节目录制。
回复 :Former British Army Captain Ed Stafford was the first person ever to walk the length of the Amazon River, but surviving completely alone on a desert island is his biggest adventure yet. Can he last 60 days on an uninhabited Fijian island with absolutely nothing? No survival tools, no rations, no clothes, no film crew... It's a daunting challenge and nobody's ever done it before. In fierce tropical heat, he has only hours to find water before dehydration ends his attempt before it's begun. He must master the island - and his fears - to find food and water, light fire, build a proper shelter, and progress from mere survival to the point where he could stay forever. Filmed entirely by Ed himself, there's never been a more authentic survival series on TV