回复 :An intimate, mixed media documentary that follows Tig Notaro, a Los Angeles based comedian, who just days after being diagnosed with invasive stage II breast cancer changed the course of her career with a poignant stand-up set that became legendary overnight. This documentary explores Tig's extraordinary journey as her career ignites and as her life unfolds in grand and unexpected ways, all the while continuing to battle a life-threatening illness, falling in love and trying to have a baby all at the same time. This film is a hybrid of comedy and drama that captures a personal journey about facing crisis head on with honesty and grace and overcoming pain and suffering with the healing power of comedy. It's a story about moving forward during a period of your life when you don't know what is going to happen. When you are willing to risk it all for what you believe is the right thing to do and for what you want to happen in this life.
回复 :Yaguchi與同黨成功打劫銀行,劫走一億伍仟萬元贓款。在他們興奮地逃亡的期間,開始籌算如何使用,但Yaguchi漸漸發現這筆贓款根本不能滿足他和同黨過著理想的生活。及後,負責送食物的Yumi無意中發現他們藏有大量現金。可惜,她欲逃離,卻被被Yaguchi生擒,並將她淫辱和施暴,更綁架她,強迫她一起逃走。兩天後,這班禽獸因強姦Yumi而逐一死去,究竟這女子有甚麼魔法,向侵犯她的禽獸逐一報仇?
回复 :热爱武术的青年陈国成(王宝强 饰)从小在美国长大,他一度夺得大学校际拳击冠军。为了取得更高成就,他毅然返回家乡广东新会。谁知刚刚踏上祖国的土地,便遭遇接二连三的倒霉事,先是被人骗去手机,接着又因误会被少女晶晶和其师兄藏龙臭揍一顿,之后更是丢掉所有行李。另一方面,国成的老爹陈皮(吴孟达 饰)是蔡李佛拳的掌门人,他一心忙于生意,于是希望接这一机会将掌门之位传给儿子。谁知管家藏洞阴差阳错接回来一个黑人,结果闹出一连串的笑话。此时彷徨街头、无所依靠的国成又再次邂逅晶晶。经过一番解释,所有误会烟消云散。他也开始了新的武术人生……