回复 :Sun(张慧仪 饰)和Aki均为美容顾问,某日,上司找到她们,将她们调往深圳新开的一家美容店里,坐镇营业经理的职位。两个女孩兴高采烈的来到了深圳,谁知道美容院门可罗雀经营惨淡,眼看着就要支撑不下去。一天晚上,郁闷的女孩们来到夜店派遣压力,结识了名为比基(唐家辉 饰)的男子。在阿仪的建议之下,Sun和Aki决定将美容店的营业时间调整到晚上,把服务的人群转移到结束了工作的妓女们身上,这一招果然管用。一位郑先生来到了美容院,希望Sun帮助他行动不便的妻子进行美容服务,郑先生是当地有名的富豪,姑娘们当然一口答应下来,然而,让众人没有想到的是,郑太太竟然是可怕的鬼魂,而郑先生亦绝非善类。
回复 :The life of Moonjung, the main character of Greenhouse, is not happy. She suffers from a psychological disorder, her young son is locked up in a juvenile detention center, and since she has no home, she lives in a greenhouse. She sometimes sees a man, but she’s not sure if she really loves him. However, since she is nice and sincere, she works as a caregiver for an elderly couple and gets by in harsh conditions until a tragic event happens. After the incident, her life falls into a whirlwind, and the narrative speeds into confusion. Using the genre conventions cleverly in every major part, the fate of Moonjung, who has fallen into the trap of tragedy, unfolds as a skillful thriller of pain.
回复 :Irfan, an innocent man with an ordinary life, is portrayed as the evil incarnated by media trials. Is there a journey back to normal life for a man accused of terrorism? Is there more to Irfan than what meets the eye?