回复 :The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - the philosopher-educator. Having experienced in childhood cruelty and injustice, it becomes the path of serving others. Having been removed by the Turks in Romania, a hero at any cost wants to return home. However hard and long this way. Sentenced to death, Antimoz remains in the memory of his countrymen champion of justice.
回复 :丰岛(朴民尚)和爷爷生活在一起,以前爷爷经常带着丰岛骑着老自行车,为了寻找那份感情,丰岛决定以后带着爷爷骑着单车,巡回记忆中的那份感觉。
回复 :《老爸上战场》的主角是一群居住在英国小镇上的老爷子,他们的身份本是银行职员、小店老板。随着二战愈演愈烈,满怀报国热情的爷爷们没资格参加正规军,却自发组成志愿军团保家卫国,与德国间谍斗智斗勇。这支非正规军引起了媒体的主意,泽塔·琼斯饰演的女记者也来到小镇报道他们的故事。