回复 :Samedi lives in a village in Wallonia. He works from time to time as a gardener and has a close relationship with his mother. Everyday life in the village, which has seen better times, Samedi's quiet and friendly nature and the still largely intact rural setting stand in stark contrast to the heroin addiction Samedi has suffered from for over 20 years, which only his family knows about. His relationship with his mother changes when he makes another attempt to get clean. Paloma Sermon-Daï’s documentary paints a restrained, highly precise picture of a relationship marked by affection and love but which is also difficult to define in relation to Samedi's problem. As the camera observes the long, concentrated conversations he has with both his mother and his therapist, a picture of addiction comes into view which is part of a family structure. This becomes embedded in something larger in turn via the individual images of the village. Petit Samedi creates an image of dependence in which individual, family and social coexistence are intertwined, without falling into the trap of saying what might be able to solve the problem.
回复 :The Polish doco for the BFI’s Century of Cinema distinguishes itself from all the others in the series by being the only one not to have any film critics, academics, directors, etc providing a commentary. Instead it takes the refreshing route of having ordinary people of all ages talking about what’s special to them about movies – so we get some old folks describing their first trip to the cinema when a lot of people didn’t even know what a film was, memories of what it was like to go to the movies as children, teenagers, and adults before, during, and after WWII, and especially the key scenes from films that have made lasting impressions upon them (not unexpectedly, Wajda’s KANAL strikes a nerve), which are shown in accompaniment, so that it becomes the interviewees who ultimately decide what’s shown in the doco. This kind of stuff is what the ‘100 Years of Cinema’ celebration is really about.
回复 :导演:马克马巴夫(伊朗)电影的神奇在于能够重建时间,尤如生命可以重来。伊朗导演马克马巴夫年轻时是个激进分子,曾因袭击并刺伤一个警察而被捕入狱,出狱之后,终放弃了政治理想,而把电影当成了信仰,就在他拍《电影万岁》的时候,竟然发现当年他袭击的警察也在一群试镜者当中。后来,他就以他们二人的故事拍了这部《无知时刻》。导演试图重建当年自己制造的袭击事件,并且邀请了另一位当事人--那位警察一起来完成这次重建:找来二位小演员,分别扮演年轻时的马克马巴夫和警察,马克马巴夫和警察分别去跟自己的扮演者讲述当年自己的行为始末,然后拍摄行刺过程。当然导演也就不只是马克马巴夫,还有那个警察。事实上,他也的确一直在重建过程中表达他的愿望和理想,开始是教他的扮演者给过来问他时间的女孩送盆花,后来又教他朝她开枪,而这二样,都是他当年没有做的。还有一位人物,是马克马巴夫的表妹,马克马巴夫当年行刺的时候,以她去问那位警察时间做掩护,而警察却始终不知道这情况,把当年那个总是来问他几点的女孩当作心上人念念不忘,直到拍摄时他看到一个小女孩演员和马克马巴夫的扮演者一同走向自己的扮演者的时候才恍然大悟。他感到被欺骗和伤害之后,自行篡改了历史:他告诉自己的扮演者,不论是谁靠近和他说话,你就向她开枪,包括那位女孩。他也企图在对过去的重建中表达他受伤害的愤怒,如果生命可以重来!在重建的企图下,导演的却是一出巧妙的虚构,而正是这一虚构,把过去的故事转换成了现在时态,也使得导演对于过去的反思显得更有诚意。纪录片样的拍摄手法,质朴而坦诚。电影开始的时候,马克马巴夫在试镜找二个17岁的演员扮演他自己和那位警察,扮演他的那位说他的理想是拯救人类;而警察的扮演者却一副老实巴交的样子,警察十分不满,拒绝出演,说导演如果改变主意就到哪里哪里去找他,愤然而去,摄影师问导演要不要把他追回来,而导演说,这个角色对他很重要,他会回来的。演员如同在生活般演戏,导演也如同生活般在拍电影:看,这是我的生活,也就是我的电影。当警察在教他的扮演者应该怎么送上盆花的时候,马克马巴夫表妹的扮演者刚好路过,问他几点。跃然而出电影穿越时间的神奇,仿佛浑然天成的回文诗。二位导演的企图最后都被几个小演员给颠覆了:激进分子递上的是大饼,警察掏出的是盆花,代替了匕首和手枪。