回复 :Star, a suicidal teen now too old for foster care, develops a candid rapport with An, a student from Shanghai who is assigned to watch her while she is in hospital. A nightly exchange of secrets, text messages and possessions quickly expands the boundaries of their relationship, altering their inner chemistry.Gilded by a soundscape that interweaves work by emerging and pioneering electronic musicians, Queens of the Qing Dynasty is an offbeat ode to neurodiversity and genderqueer individuals who refuse to conform. Director Ashley McKenzie’s blend of formalism and gritty realism does not fail to surprise and treats the audience to flashes of visual and conceptual poetry. Her cast is entirely composed of first-time actors who convincingly convey how unique every individual is, both in how they see the world and how they relate to others. Ziyin Zheng in the role of An graciously embodies a mix of idiosyncrasy and frankness that makes them an ideal confidante for Star (Sarah Walker). They have what it takes to be on the receiving end of the scrutinising gaze of Star, who sees through conventions and never ceases to be amazed at life’s bewildering events. Veering on slapstick, Walker’s performance will not go unnoticed.
回复 :温婉可人、处事低调的业内顶尖配音演员时宜,一日在机场偶遇了儒雅的海归化学教授周生辰,两人一见如故颇有眼缘,短暂交往后彼此都留下了深刻印象。为了拯救日渐没落的紫砂壶工厂,周生辰答应母亲的 条件,订婚承业。他婉拒了家里安排,向颇有好感的时宜提出了订婚的请求。时宜内心早已认定 ,欣然答应。点滴相处中,两人默契逐渐产生,两颗心慢慢靠近。周生辰为了振兴家乡的紫砂壶工艺,与长辈产生了经营理念上的巨大分歧,面对亲情和事业的两难境地,幸得时宜始终相伴,并给予了最坚实的支持和鼓励,两人最终携手最大程度地保全了传统手工艺。风雨过后,情意更为深重。然而此时,时宜为了救周生辰遭奸人陷害,身受重伤重度昏迷。周生辰暂时放下事业悉心陪伴照料,终将爱妻唤醒,两人约定相伴此生此世永不分离。
回复 :火海無情,生命無價。不管是人為還是天意,一旦意外發生,消防救護必定全力以赴。出生入死,火光之間,拯救生命。消防隊伍每一次救援任務都可能是一次死亡挑戰,隊員要出生入死,共同進退。《火速救兵III》以真實個案為藍本。救護救急扶危之際,豈料生命也受到威脅;嚴重交通事故,死傷者枕藉,如何冷靜迅速執行救護任務。海難事故,茫茫大海,死傷者漂浮,生命危在旦夕。劏房、無牌賓館火警,無數傷者被困火場,僭建物成死亡陷阱。生死之間,一切前塵往事,個人恩怨煩惱都要放下;彈指之間,生死契濶,才知不捨是誰。一次次生死任務,一個個動人故事。《火速救兵III》展現消防救護工作及執法,讓市民加強防火意識,貫徹執行各種防火措施。第一、二輯《火速救兵》先後獲得2010年及2012年電視節目欣賞指數第一名。《火速救兵III》強勢回歸。