  时间:2025-03-26 07:09:41

想谈The halves of two bodies, one belonging to a female Swedish politician, are discovered in the middle of the Øresund Bridge, which connects Copenhagen in Denmark with Malmö in Sweden. The body, cut in half at the waist, has been placed precisely on the border between the countries, thus falling under the jurisdiction of both the Danish and Swedish police agencies. After further examination, it turns out that the body is that of two separate corpses, with one half belonging to a Danish prostitute. Saga Norén, from the Swedish side, and Martin Rohde, from the Danish, lead the investigation to catch the murderer.[4][5]The investigation quickly escalates as a journalist, Daniel Ferbé, whose car was used in the crime, begins receiving phone calls. The caller, who becomes known as the "Truth Terrorist", claims to be committing his crimes in order to draw attention to various social problems. A social worker, Stefan Lindberg, whose sister becomes a victim of the Truth Terrorist, becomes an early suspect. However, events soon lead the Danish and Swedish teams to conclude that the killer has connections to the police. They discover that the crimes have been planned over a period of several years. The trail eventually leads them to Jens, a Danish policeman and former close friend of Martin's, who was thought to have committed suicide after an accident on the bridge caused the deaths of his wife and son.In the course of the investigation, Martin and Saga develop a close working relationship, although they are very different people. Martin has a twenty-year old son from his first marriage, August, who is now living with Martin and his current wife, Mette, by whom Martin has three children; after Martin has had a vasectomy, Mette discovers that she is expecting twins. Saga lives alone and does not seem to feel she needs a serious relationship, instead picking up men in bars for casual sex. She appears to have symptoms consistent with Asperger syndrome, resulting in difficulty establishing relationships and feelings of inadequacy in managing people; she refuses a promotion for this latter reason.After the killer has murdered several people and successfully thrown red herrings in the way of the investigation, his true purpose - to strike at Martin himself - eventually becomes clear. Jens, now calling himself Sebastian Sandstrod, first approaches Mette, who is susceptible to his advances, after learning that Martin has slept with Charlotte Söringer, a woman who is peripherally involved in the investigation. Sebastian lures Mette and her children to a remote spot where he subjects them to a terrifying ordeal, locking them in with a room and giving her a hand grenade with its pin removed to hold as long as she can. However, Saga realises that August is the real target. The investigation culminates in a confrontation on the bridge, where she cannot help but tell Martin what happened to August and has to fire at him in order to prevent him destroying his career by killing Sebastian, the killer's final intention.




回复 :《养育者》是一部由马丁·弗瑞曼 (Martin Freeman)和黛西·海格达( Daisy Haggard)主演的一部育儿轻喜剧,探讨了每对父母都知道但却从未承认的悖论:你愿意为孩子而死,但很多时候你也想杀死他们。马丁饰演“保罗”,他是一个有爱心的父亲;黛西饰演“艾莉”,是保罗的工作搭档,经营一家录音棚,他们相爱并结了婚。然而生活并不会一直顺风顺水,保罗和艾莉一心忙于全职工作,要照顾孩子,偿还贷款,照顾父母以及一系列的动荡事儿。当艾莉疏远的父亲迈克尔出现在家门口时,意味着这个家庭又多了一个“孩子”要养,保罗的父母愿意随时提供帮助,但是这对夫妻的养育方式却有所不同。



回复 :警官Mike Biggs非常精通自己的业务,他不怕任何事情,除了一件事情,就是约会。所以他加入了减肥机构,希望能够减下些体重,增强些信心。当他在一个活动上遇到了Molly,离开火花四溅,Mike坚信自己开始了新的人生,但是他必须要找到方法来少吃一些垃圾食品来获得自己喜欢的人的芳心。本剧主创马克-罗伯兹是《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Men)的执行制片人之一,《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)的执行制片人之一,CBS情景喜剧之王查克-罗瑞(Chuck Lorre)也将加盟本剧。另外本剧的其他执行制片人还包括同时负责《好汉两个半》和《生活大爆炸》的迈克尔-克里尔(Michael Collier)。全美收视长期稳居第一的CBS电视台大作不断,看来要在新季中垄断情景喜剧和罪案剧的收视率。



回复 :更多破事,更多欢笑,期待7位小伙伴早日回归与大家相见。



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